Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Acon Digital Releases Acoustica 7.4 With New ARA2 Plug-in

Acon Digital has released version 7.4 of their powerful audio editor Acoustica for Windows and Mac. Acoustica is available in a Premium Edition and a lower cost Standard Edition. The Premium Edition includes a new ARA2 plug-in that offers the complete functionality of Acoustica’s clip editor and can be seamlessly integrated into digital audio workstations (DAWs) with ARA2 support. ARA takes away the hassle of transferring clips back and forth between the host application and Acoustica, and DAW sessions are kept up-to-date automatically.

Acoustica 7.4 running as an ARA2 plug-in inside Studio One 5 by PreSonus
The Premium Edition also adds new powerful tools based on deep learning. As beautiful as bird songs are, they can also be a major annoyance when recording in the field. The new DeBird tool effectively and automatically reduces bird noise. Also based on deep learning is the new DePlosive:Dialogue which reduces unwanted plosive sounds from recorded dialogue with surgical precision. A highly effective de-clicker for vinyl and 78 RPM recordings has been part of Acoustica for a long time, but mouth clicks and lip smacks sometimes require a different treatment. The new DeClick:Dialogue is specialized for the task and delivers excellent results.

Also included with the Premium Edition is a large collection of plug-ins for use in host applications that support either VST, VST3, Audio Unit or AAX plug-ins. Version 7.4 extends the collection with the new DeBird, DePlosive:Dialogue and DeClick:Dialogue tools available as plug-ins. A further improvement is the support for multichannel audio up to Dolby Atmos 7.1.2. Single channels can easily be enlarged for a higher vertical resolution when working in the spectral editor.

The following new features are added to both the Standard and the Premium Editions. Dialogue recordings often have asymmetric waveforms that give limiters and compressors a tougher job than necessary. The new Rotate Phase tool offers both adaptive and fixed phase rotation. The adaptive mode automatically keeps the waveform as symmetric as possible. A new Caption Editor makes it easy to create and edit captions for video production or to create text transcriptions. Captions can be exported as SubRip files for import in video editing software or as Rich Text Format (RTF) transcriptions.

Price and Availability
Acoustica 7.4 is available in a Premium Edition ($199.90 USD) for advanced users and a feature limited Standard Edition ($59.90 USD) for beginners. The upgrade is free for Acoustica 7 customers and owners of Acoustica 5 and 6 are entitled to reduced upgrade prices.

User Interface Languages
English and German
Additional Resources

PC Version (Windows)
Windows 7 / 8.x / 10 / 11 — 64 bit
Intel Core i3 or AMD multi-core processor (Intel Core i5 or faster recommended)
1366 x 768 display resolution (1920 x 1080 or higher recommended)
10 GB free HD space

Macintosh Version (OS X)
OS X 10.9 or later
10 GB free HD space
About Acon AS

Acon Digital is a Norwegian company that develops cutting edge audio editing software and processing tools. The wide range of products covers audio editing, restoration, mastering and effects processing — all conceived with ultimate audio quality and usability in mind.

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