Tuesday, March 11, 2025

SSL Native V6.3 Plug-In Release Adds Machine-Based Ilok Licensing And New Plug-In

The latest Native 6.3 release from Solid State Logic introduces the new ‘X-EQ 2’ plug-in as part of the popular SSL Native studio plug-ins series, whilst providing all users authorisation of SSL Native licenses onto a computer instead of a physical iLok dongle. All SSL Native 6.3 plug-ins can now be authorised to a computer.

X-EQ 2 replaces the existing X-EQ plug-in with a sleek new-look graphical interface, re-written algorithms and a host of new features. Firstly, SSL’s proprietary ‘anti-cramping’ DSP ensures a smooth and transparent EQ plug-in that simply sounds amazing. Secondly, X-EQ 2 allows for the creation of up to 24 EQ bands with a choice of no less than 17 classic and modern different filter shapes and EQ types. Other new features include M/S processing modes, Band Solo and extra analysis tools including Phase and Step response plots. X-EQ 2 also features significant DSP optimisation, so the computer’s CPU load is kept exceedingly low.

For all our existing Duende Native and SSL Native customers, v6.3 is a free update. Existing iLok licenses that say ‘SSL Duende Native’ in their iLok License Manager account will continue to authorise with v6.3. X-EQ 2 can be used with an existing Duende Native X-EQ iLok license; a free upgrade for existing X-EQ customers. Existing and new SSL Native subscription holders will automatically see their X-EQ iLok license change to an X-EQ 2 license for the duration of their subscription as part of the SSL Native plug-in suite.

Available now on an affordable $14.99 per month subscription as well as permanent license purchased directly from the SSL web store.

SSL Native v6.3 plug-ins are available in AAX, VST3/VST2, and AU formats, 64-Bit only.

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